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Day by day, we think it will be the same,

but day by day, I notice how dissimilar and unreal

it is to think of equality.

Distant threats

become present

Day by day, I breathe

Without considering how uneven breathing is.

I sought a home to avoid getting lost,

and I found myself immersed in reality.

Gray, stained, and with summer snow.

Smoke and fire, dancing in my head.

The city turned into a canvas

where the unseen becomes visible.

In the twilight I woke up

Only to find a different world.

With restless pulse, figures transform

seeking their place, to let me breathe.

Transiting over the water without seeing,

Where am I going?

I go, but I feel like I'm turning back.

Can I go back?

I try to breathe, focusing on passing through the crack

to find something that makes me sigh.

I try to look, to ignore what is real.

Silence, pause, start over

There are no gears functioning anymore.

Climate makes me feel

And I feel through climate.

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